⇒ Toluu and Twubble: Forget Searching and Look for Suggestions
⇒ Twubble - Looking for more people to follow?
The other was just released today by none other than Google Android developer Bob Lee, known in developer circles as Crazy Bob.
へぇ。Androidの開発者がtwitterのフォロウィーをサジェスチョンしてくれるサービスを作ったー。ふむふむ。twitterにログインした状態で「Find some friends」ボタンを押せばいいのね。おぉ。なんかいっぱい出てきた。なんかWeb上で見たことのある人がいぱーい。
I had a chance to talk to Bob a little bit about Twubble, and discovered he used a very un-Web-2.0 development process. The entire process took him two days, most of which was his learning curve with the Twitter API. Twubble is written in Java using Google Web Toolkit, without a hint of Ruby in sight.